Enterprises across industries continue to push mobile applications into their customers’ hands. Unfortunately, each of those apps contain a working example showing how to access back-office assets.

The real question is: What do we know about the security posture of those applications? Unfortunately, very little. While spend on perimeter security and SIEMs has been growing faster than inflation for years, relatively little is invested on protecting and monitoring apps that live in the wild, outside of the security perimeter.

That changed in August 2023 when we released our 2023 Application Threat Report.

Watch this webinar where we’ll reveal the highlights of the report, including:

  • The odds that any mobile/web/desktop application will be attacked
  • The odds of attacks on apps by industry
  • The most common types of attacks
  • The types of platforms that are attacked most often
  • Ways to protect and monitor apps

Transparent 2023 App Threat Report Webinar

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