Agile processes are being implemented and adopted at a fantastic pace. The focus is on enabling the delivery of high-quality web and mobile apps at speed and at scale. With the use of Scrum as an Agile development methodology the importance of continuous testing is being seen as one of the key components of the development lifecycle.

The Test Manager is a core piece of the Test Editor. It saves verified and validated tests from the Test Editor for later use. It helps increase collaboration between developers, testers, and stakeholders by putting the power of test creation and validation in the hands of any persona, even those without coding skills. Using the Test Manager to help align Agile development goals with the testing process will ensure that tests are created, verified, and saved throughout the testing process to guarantee that your software is always in a releasable state.

In this Test Manager product demo we will discuss:

  • The Test Editor as an essential piece of software development and testing
  • The core functional components of the new Test Manager
  • How uniting Test Management with Agile practices will increase collaboration and efficiency

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