Table of Contents

When teams and enterprises use agile and DevOps together, they need to be able to easily integrate tools and track the progress of work items across the entire software development and delivery process. Connecting and integrating all these different tools – from planning and development across testing, security, deployment, and release – makes it difficult to gain the visibility you need in one place to track the status and locate bottlenecks. Our goal is to provide solutions that make this end-to-end connectivity and visibility easier to achieve. 

We are pleased to announce the release of Agility 21.2, Release 10.2 and Deploy 10.2 which provide new capabilities that enhance visibility, improve usability, and increase efficiency across the end-to-end software delivery process.  

Quickly see the details that are important for you – from a single tool 

Our latest releases of Agility and Release provide new features that improve visibility and delivery insights across agile and DevOps, helping you quickly see the details for each release. One improvement is a new History tab that shows you all commits for each story and defect. It also helps you easily ensure an environment is using the latest available feature version. Additionally, we are also adding a new manifest panel that lets you easily see the list of user stories and defects at each release phase. Connecting the data and artifacts at each release stage with their corresponding agile stories and features makes it possible to view everything from a single dashboard, eliminating the time and effort to navigate to other pages or tools. Agility 21.2  

Improve work efficiency with usability improvements 

Several usability improvements are included with this release, including a roadmap view swag rollup for columns and swim lanes in the roadmap board views, enabling organizations to better estimate and plan their feature delivery timelines. We have also improved our Excel export making it faster and easier to import to Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.   

Create a single source of truth with Salesforce using Agility Connect 

This release adds support for integration with Salesforce, enabling you to connect your existing Salesforce solutions with Agility to create a synchronized single source of truth for all of your data. 

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Increased cloud security for government agencies with FedRAMP – now In Process status 

As was previously announced, Agility is the first company to achieve FedRAMP “In Process” status for an enterprise agile solution. With this designation, government agencies now have access to an industry-leading solution to scale agile practices beyond individual teams across the entire organization and the ability to continuously improve and modernize the end-to-end software delivery processes. Release 10.2 

Enable GitOps as code from within the Release user interface 

GitOps-enabled version control is now available directly from within the Release UI, improving change tracking and auditing across your release templates and configurations. This tech preview feature lets you store content including templates, variables, and configurations as YAML code within a Git repository. Now, anyone on your team can author or change templates, review the changes, test them, and then publish them for everyone to use – all from within the Release UI.  


Increase integration management and maintenance efficiency  

We have added new management capabilities within the plugin manager UI that automate many of the manual management and synchronization tasks, making it faster to install and upgrade plugins even in multi-node setups. Simply select the plugin from within the UI and it will do the install/upgrade across your multi-node setup, removing the need for manual syncs. This capability is available as part of the plugin manager in both Release and Deploy. 

Enhanced security, performance, and scalability with additional features and improvements including: 

  • A new Webhook Event Task type that enables you to listen passively (without polling) to outside events and then write a script to process the event tailored to your specific needs. This makes it easier to automate needed actions to outside events, improving the consistency and performance of these responses 
  • Enhanced support for corporate firewalls with new NTLM Proxy support within our Release plugins for Agility, Blackduck, and Checkmarx integrations 
  • Fewer headaches when running a server at scale with improvements focused on task execution to improve performance and scalability Deploy 10.2 

Improve deployment efficiency by removing manual tasks 

Included as part of this release is the new centralized configuration files, removing the need for you to manually sync files across the workers in your environment. This improvement saves you time and reduces deployment errors. 

Reduce deployment times with new permissions service 

We’ve added a new and improved permissions service that helps scale the handling of API requests. This service ensures new requests are promptly executed, reducing deployment times and avoiding request bottlenecks. 

Improve deployment processes while further expanding your deployment options with additional updates and features including:   

  • New enhancements to the Cloud Foundry plugin for Deploy that adds support for deploying multiple applications from a single manifest file  
  • Terraform Enterprise plugin for Deploy enhancements improve cloud integration support for AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure 
  • Google Cloud Platform plugin for Deploy is now fully supported 
  • Configuration enhancements to the Microsoft Azure plugin for Deploy that enables you to create, update, rollback and undeploy (delete) a Microsoft Azure Cloud Service 
  • New management capabilities from within the plugin manager UI, as mentioned above for Release, are also now available in Deploy Release and Deploy Support Policy Update 

In an effort to reduce confusion for users and streamline our support approach, we are changing the support policy for Release and Deploy.  All releases of these solutions will have a support term of 12 months from the date of release, making it easier to track and plan regular software updates. 

As you can see it has been a busy three months since our last set of releases! To learn more about the latest releases, check out the links below: Agility 21.2 Release Notes Release 10.2 Release Notes Deploy 10.2 Release Notes  

Are you ready to scale your enterprise?


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